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At a Crossroads: Russian-Speaking Communities in Germany
Analysis and Forecasting. IMEMO Journal

At a Crossroads: Russian-Speaking Communities in Germany

DOI: 10.20542/afij-2024-3-27-37
© Elizaveta I. MATIUKHOVA, 2024
Received 14.12.2023.
Revised 09.09.2024.
Accepted 01.10.2024.
Elizaveta I. MATIUKHOVA, (, ORCID: 0000-0002-2782-4013,
Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO), 23, Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation.

This research seeks to elucidate the role of diasporas and diasporic worlds during periods of crisis between host and sending societies. The article examines the ethno-cultural group of Russian Germans, which is itself a subset of the broader category of Russian-speaking communities. Examining the case of Russian Germans in Germany, this paper investigates the group's internal structure, as well as its perception by German authorities and the academic community through an analysis of expert opinions, scholarly publications, and official government documents, the author also aims to explore the prevailing trends of polarization, particularly in light of recent geopolitical shifts. The study was conducted within the theoretical framework of transnationalism, identity, and spatial approaches, utilizing the analytic categories of political space, diasporic identity, and transnational diasporas. The policies enacted by Germany and Russia to foster engagement with the Russian-Germans were subjected to analysis. The author concludes that these ethnic communities in both countries are in a worldview crisis, precipitated by both geopolitical transformations and the reverberations of these changes within the global digital sphere. The distinctive status of Russian Germans, characterized by their hybrid identity, coupled with the specificities of the electoral laws of Germany and Russia, constitutes a subject of interest for both scholars across diverse humanitarian disciplines and practical politicians. Both states frequently instrumentalize this group to promote their ideological constructs, thus seeking to extend their spheres of influence. Nevertheless, the strained bilateral relations between the two nations are hindering the potential for these groups to serve as an effective communication bridge. The findings of this study suggest that cultivating strong relationships with Russian-speaking diaspora communities could serve as a valuable strategic asset in fostering collaborative initiatives on both national and international levels.


About the author: Elizaveta I. MATIUKHOVA, Junior Researcher, Sector for International Organizations and Global Political Governance, Department for International Political Problems.

Competing interests: no potential competing financial or non-financial interest was reported by the author.  

Funding: no funding was received for conducting this study.

For citation: Matiukhova E.I. At a Crossroads: Russian-Speaking Communities in Germany. Analysis and Forecasting. IMEMO Journal, 2024, no. 3, pp.  . DOI: 10.20542/afij-2024-3-  EDN:  

For citation:

Matiukhova E. At a Crossroads: Russian-Speaking Communities in Germany. Analysis & Forecasting. IMEMO Journal, 2024, no 3, pp. 27-37.

© IMEMO 2025