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Political Expertise of the Ukrainian Crisis by the German Institute for International and Security Affairs: New Conclusions about German Strategic Culture
Analysis and Forecasting. IMEMO Journal

Political Expertise of the Ukrainian Crisis by the German Institute for International and Security Affairs: New Conclusions about German Strategic Culture

DOI: 10.20542/afij-2023-2-57-72
© Marina A. GLASER, Anton V. POLYACHENKOV, 2023
Received 06.03.2023.
Revised 14.06.2023.
Accepted 22.08.2023.
Marina A. Glaser (, ORCID: 0000-0002-7069-4779,
National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’, 47/7.1 Bolshaya Ordynka Str., Moscow 115184, Russian Federation.
Anton V. POLYACHENKOV (, ORCID: 0000-0001-5690-5835,
National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’, 47/7.1 Bolshaya Ordynka Str., Moscow 115184, Russian Federation.
The article examines the influence of the German think tank ‘German Institute for International and Security Affairs’ (SWP) on German public opinion and, subsequently, on the main parameters of the country’s strategic culture. It was found that the key task of the think tank’s experts is to promote the idea of the need to transform the previous principles of strategic culture in order for Germany's policy to correspond to the new world realities, so that the country could interact more successfully with other states in the military-political sphere. It is possible that analysts promote a similar idea while advising the German government and taking part in its decision-making processes, but at the moment their main task is to interact with the society. The basic principles of the strategic culture of Germany are studied, it is emphasized that due to the legacy of the past, Germany continues to avoid active involvement in the settlement of military conflicts. In addition, it seems impossible for modern Germany to prioritize its own national security interests over the ones of the allies. In this regard, the task of restoring the country's defense capability and turning the Bundeswehr into an effective modern army is interpreted by the experts of the think tank as a need to move from state pacifism to ideologems of a just war rather than as a process of militarization. Experts avoid direct criticism of the strategic culture, focusing on particular cases and calling on Germany to take more active actions. The analysis of Germany's policy on the African continent serves as a vivid example. The article demonstrates the activity of SWP experts in the mass media on the issues regarding the Ukrainian crisis and the role of Germany in its settlement. They demand greater initiative from Germany and the abandonment of existing barriers and restrictions, albeit gradual one. Opinion of expert community representatives stems from the fact that military force is an important factor in international relations, and by using it, Berlin will more effectively fulfill its obligations to ensure national and regional security than before. It seems impossible to unequivocally judge whether the analysts of the think tank have a decisive influence on political decisions, but they definitely take an active part in shaping the public opinion on the change of Germany’s military-political role in the world, so the importance of such expertise should not be ignored.


About the authors:
Marina A. GLASER, Doct. Sci. (Polit. Philosophy), Professor, Department of International Relations, Faculty of World Economy and World Politics.
Anton V. POLYACHENKOV, Intern Researcher, Department of International Relations, Faculty of World Economy and World Politics.
Authors’ contribution: all authors have contributed equally.
Competing interests: no potential competing financial or non-financial interest was reported by the authors.
Funding: no funding was received for conducting this study.

For citation:

Glaser M., Polyachenkov A. Political Expertise of the Ukrainian Crisis by the German Institute for International and Security Affairs: New Conclusions about German Strategic Culture. Analysis & Forecasting. IMEMO Journal, 2023, no 2, pp. 57-72.

© IMEMO 2025